I have deleted your post as the content is inappropriate for this forum. Members that come here are asking for ideas on how to lessen their pain....
Hey Lee, This might be besides the point of your question but: Alot of people with Lupus take a medication called Plaquenil. Plaquenil helps control lupus symptoms and it also happens to be...
Whenever I have to do something and my body just isn't working I take Adderall. It's a miracle energy pill that makes me feel normal again. I use them very sparingly however. Only when I absolutely...
Wow, small world. I'm from CC and my Rhumy is Dr. XX YY. She's been a life saver, literally. Hopefully you won't need a rheumatologist but if you do I highly recommend her. Edited to remove Dr...
Update Post. Since my first post I ended up not taking the infusion. What a mistake that was. The methotrexate treatment was going very well up until a few months ago. However, after a routine...
Hello everyone, was recently diagnosed with lupus after having RA for a few years. My symptoms are well controlled but my doctor wants me to switch from metehotrexate to an IV Infusion. Doctor has...