Thanks for your response Melissa. My Rheumy doesn't support DHEA and I refuse to try it without supervision. Yes she knows about all my vitamins and supplements and was the one to suggest most of...
Thanks for your response. Yes she knows the supplements that I take. Glad Cellcept worked for you and sorry Imuran didn't. Have you ever reacted negatively to soy or gluten?...
Thanks for your response. Do you have lupus? If so, what kind? What medications if any are you taking?...
JFR007, What is your friend's current list of Lupus medicines? I did not have hair loss from Cytoxan or Plaquinel. I hope that when I start Imuran I do not have any hair loss from that. Keep in mind...
Glad you're feeling better. The half life of Plaquinel is ~30-50 days. I think that's how long it takes to get into your system. It takes 5 times that (5 months) to get it out of your system after...
Hi, thanks for reading this. Has anyone taken or is taking Imuran? If so why, how long, and at what dosage? Do you feel that it worked and/or is working? What are your thoughts about it? I'm new to...
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with SLE lupus in March and was in the hospital for two months. the lupus is attacking my muscles and I wanted to find out from people on this website: has anyone...