PAULOS: As sad as I felt reading your notes, I feel you have tremendous insight into what may be causing these alarming lapses in memory, low feelings of self worth, sadness and fear. I believe you...
The only time I've been asymptomatic - symptom free - is while fasting. Don't seem to have the ambition to travel that road these days. However, I highly recommend the above and gluten free diet...
Hi Kari: (Nasal sores I described earlier today in my Crohn's blog.) Yes, I do get these exact same sores in the corners of my mouth, exterior where lips join. Have had this on both sides for years...
Hi All: NASAL SORES R US... I'm new to the site as of this moment. Having just read the list of comments posted about nasal sores and Crohn's, I want to quickly share with you my diag-noses. Ha! No...