He said I would need to see my eye doc soon. Which is fine because I needed to anyway. I will call her Monday. I have been taking ibuprofen and it doesn't do much. I have to be careful how much I...
He called this morning and he is starting me on Plaquenil. My fiance is picking it up on his way home. He wants to see me again in a few weeks. He doesn't believe it is RA but probably SLE but it...
He is going to go over meds and treatment with me soon. I am supposed to call him tomorrow but he always seems so rushed on the phone I am thinking of scheduling an appointment to get all of my...
Good afternoon everyone. First, I wanted to thank everyone for being so sweet and supportive!! I talked to my doctor yesterday and he gave me a brief overview of the test results so far. He was...
Thanks!!!! I am hanging in there. I just talked with my boss and they need some forms filled out from my doc and it's that easy! (Thanks AlwaysRosie for the advice!!!) I am SO LUCKY to have such...
The Rheumy doctor did a very thorough exam. Some of my blood work is back, some will take until Wednesday. My rheumatoid factor was BORDERLINE. I am 26 years old. How many of you had a positive...
Thanks everyone for being so great! I see the rheum tomorrow! YAY! I am hoping he will have the results of my blood tests. I have a LONG LONG list of symptoms for him. I am so worried though because...
Tell me about it! My fiance and I used to be intimate ALL the time. The past few months, I can't even have the energy for much of anything. I am also on Anti-Depressants so that doesn't help!!...
Good news!!! My doc has been able to get me an appointment for MONDAY afternoon. He is so worried about how sick I have been. How great is my doctor :)...
Thank you everyone!!! I just got home from the doc. He is going to try and get me into see a rheumatologist next week, instead of having to wait until the 29th. He really feels like it is autoimmune....
Thanks Rosie :) I also have an appointment with a rheumatologist on the 29th of the month too. I forgot a couple of symptoms: no appetite (6 months), swollen ankles (2 months) and weight loss (17...
I am seeing my doctor in the morning and everything that has been going on. I am a little nervous. Sometimes it is hard to not think all of this is in my head. Here are my symptoms:...