does anyone else find they have teeth troubles? no matter how well i look after them, since i had my daughter my teeth have rapidly gone downhill. i have had all my wisdom teeth removed due to...
actually its going to take a long time to get the a rheumy cause they are all booked out til early next year :( good thing i have a great gp though. the docs seem to pass off a lot of my symptoms and...
Hey guys... I've been writing all over the place, thought I should try to organise it a bit better LOL I am just so excited for answers. Im coming up into another this time very serious flare... so...
Hey guys.... thank you so much for the warm welcome :) Im in australia... Im not sure where all of you guys are. As far as tests go, for some reason we are behind the US :( Testing was done... and...
Hi Guys, I have recently been diagnosed with SLE... but by saying 'recently' I dont mean to say it was such a short or immediate diagnosis. I have heaps of questions and concerns but I will start...