Hi all. Thanks for all the great advice and support. . I slept all day and night and it seemed to help. I am still tired and a little queezy but the fact that I am at work is a good thing. I love my...
Rosie, thanks so much for the reply. You are there to help someone out and it is comforting. This site is great. i will keep you updated. Joanne...
Hi friends. I joined this group about 7 months ago because I was so sick and was beginning to give up hope. A few tests indicated that I might have lupus but was never given a positive diagnosis or...
Thanks everyone for all your replies and support. I go to the Rheumy on Monday for the second time. The first time he said all tests were negative but will probably repeat them next visit (Mndy) I...
Thanks. I understand that Lupus is very hard to diagnos, but when the Doc said no, I go into "it must be in my head" mode and try to push as if I am OK. Problem is I dont always feel OK. You all...
Hi all, As some of you know, I had been tested for lupus, due to syptoms, but was told the tests were negative. I shared I was feeling better and began an excercise program. I felt great for about 2...
Thanks for all of the info. My family all has diabetes and my father died from complications from the disease. I will research this info and talk to my Doc. I must take the advice given here and do...
Susie, I am also new to this site and the people here are wonderful and caring. I have found so much hope as they share their experience and strength. I was sick and to date have not been diagnosed...
Hi all, I just got the results of my lab work from the Rheumy and they were all negative.(Called, did not see him) My earlier ANA's came back positive, but now they are negative. OK, where do I go...
Thanks so much. Each day I am getting a little stronger but still do not feel good. My biggest fear is going back to work and relapsing before they even have a diagnosis. I know I should take it one...
Hi All, Well I finally saw my Rheumy and have no more answers than I did before. He ran a series of blood work but seemed uninterested in my symptoms. The same old question... Are you under stress? I...
Gidget, Thanks so much for the info. It was very helpful. I am seeing a Rheumatologist for the first time this week and will fill you in on the outcome. Have a great week. Dazed...
I know my ANA test came back positive, but today my GP gave me the numbers. 1:320. He said they were high but did not elaborate too much. I have a Rhuematologist appt. next week but am wondering if...