Ginny - that is a great looking website. It definitely showcases what you can do - so hang in there. I know it is hard, but you have talent that many people would kill to have! Just keep doing what...
Hi Ginny I haven't posted here in quite awhile - although I still lurk and read. (I am still in the limbo stage - but have finally had a positive ANA - which is enough for the doctor to finally give...
Hi, I don't really have much else to add than what the other ladies have said, but I wanted to tell you that I am in the process of being tested for all of the above as well. (I am 35). I haven't...
Hi, I haven't written again for awhile, although I have come every day to read the posts. You are all such great, caring people, and I am very glad I found you! Anyway, I still don't know what is...
I just had to reply to this post, because I feel like you need a hug! I haven't been dx'd with anything yet, so I am not sure that this is my place or not, but I hate seeing what you wrote! Please,...