Well i arrived here sbout an hour ago..lyme and co came with me. im stuck in the chair, i cant move, i wanna drop some weed killer into my IV just to see if it will help get me moving... Am i in hell...
Thank you! I stuck right now..wanna move and cant, its late here 12. 50..should be in bed but my legs just wont work..oops. So lonely!! someone help me up!...
fund doh!...
Phew thank you...now to find my way around here, these bugs in my brain stop me..i do get lost lol mepron, Zith and ceftriacone..do they go. Where can i buy mepron cheap, im broke and fundraising to...
Hi from the UK A struggling lymie of 6 years with lyme and co. Hickman line for IV and about to start babesia meds,,,offf my nut and scared of adding more than Ceftriaxione ( dyslexia came with lyme...