Thanks everyone, I wanted to take one more western blot test or see if my primary would give me more Doxy perhaps, but he hasn't returned my call yet. Money's tight, so worried I can't go to a LLMD...
Hi, had two deer ticks a couple months ago. Got bad flu symptoms, so my dr put me on Doxy for 3 weeks. After I tested and came back negative. I know the Western blot isn't very accurate though. The...
Thanks +Lyme, You are right. I was just getting the photos from my phone. Hopefully the images will be good enough. I also noticed that I keep getting a mild sore throat & cold a day or two after...
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate all your help and ideas. Now that you've confirmed some of my own thoughts, I'm starting to really think it may be Lyme or one of the others so I will begin my...
Hi CajunGrl & RottenDog! Thanks so much for your replies. I checked out lots of the info on this site and it's all helpful. I guess I'm just not sure if what I have is Lyme so I'm not sure about...
Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and an avid mt biker, so every so often I do have ticks attached from woods of NJ & NY. about 3-4 months ago, I woke up with what looked like a large mosquito...