I spoke with someone the other day who swears by Arm & Hammer Whitening Tooothpaste. She said it helped to keep the staining at bay after having her teeth cleaned. She has LD also, so I guess I will...
Just another note. My meds are being changed from the Doxy to Azithromycin and Plaquenil, but I just read where the azithromycin can cause tooth discoloration also. Am I just running in mad circles?...
I just recently noticed that my teeth were becoming discolored. After speaking with my Doc today we think the Doxy is causing this problem. Has anyone else encountered this and even more important...
I did the urine test. I have an appointment on Thursday with a doc who does chelation, so I will probably ask her about doing a hair analysis before we proceed. Thanks for the input....
Well, now along with being treated for LD I recently got my results back from a heavy metals test. My lead levels are 3x what they should be and my mercury levels 2x, so my doc is recommending...
Does anyone see Dr. W in Denton? I have an appointment with him next week, he is the nearest LLMD I have found. I would love some input from someone who has seen him and your experience. Thanks...
Thanks, I am sure that is what he meant. It was an email with several typos, so I guess that was just one more....
I had a doctor suggest today that I take a CD5y test. Does anyone know what this is?...
Got my test results in from Igenex today. IGM result - bands 18 and 41 positive and 31 IND. IGG result 41 and 58 positive. 31 and 34 IND. From aricles i have read it seems that if 18 is positive I...
Has anyone been to any of the LLMD 's in Houston ?...
Just sent you email, I think it went through this time. Thanks...
Ticker, I have been trying to email you for a list of docs but it keeps bouncing back, is there a way to send you a pm with my email?...
Hi, I am new to lyme Disease world and could use some help. First to fill you in on my symptoms - during the past year I had the bullseye rash, flu symptoms, ringing in my ears for several months,...