Thanks bud!...
Hey bucci, I have a Vibrance shake every morning. I get it in sprouts. Its one of those green super food powders but it has 25 billion per serving, not bad:) Taste awful though but at this point, who...
Wow stutterbug, how inspiring :smilewinkgrin: I hear you though, I wait 13 years to find out what the hell is wrong with me but now that I found out I feel even worse. Everyone I see tells me to do...
Has anyone been to an Envita? Do you find it different than any other clinic, did they actually help?...
Thanks Gary. I live in Scottsdale but I am originally from Boston. I'm going to send you an email now; do you know if any of them do IV?...
Stage 3 is another term for chronic lyme. I have had it for 14 years, but only started treatment last year so the little buggers have really dug them selves in. Lots of fun:)...
Has anyone been treated for stage 3 lyme in AZ? If so, can you recomend someone for me? I am looking for a doctor that will do IV antibiotics, these orals are ripping my insides up pretty bad...