Thanks so much guys! I am at my witts end! I didnt know that their were so many different types of lymes. I am going to cancel my rhematolgist visit and request a referral for a specialist.. The one...
Hello! Thanks for responding... Here were my symptoms before i knew I had it: Headaches, burning int the front of my throat and burning and tingling in my lower back. Slowly the back pain creeped up...
They ran a panel for Lymes and it came back positive. They tested for everything under the sun and that is the only one that came back pos. I had a strange bump back in september that wouldnt go away...
After being in horrible pain and many tests (except lymes) I had high CK levels for muscle breakdown. Finally got to a rheumatologist. Now I find out I have Lymes Disease. Since I am hurting now, are...