Do I have any of those "specific" lyme bands?..I meen i have a IND39 IGG? I'm so out of it its hard for me to process all this stuff going on. I've been in the mental ward for 5 months trying to...
Thanks Gary, he just explained to me how the Igenex test was done and he said go to USA (im in Canada) if I want to look further into lyme disease... He didnt ask me about my symptoms or anything,...
So I saw an Infectious Disease doctor and he said theres no way I have lyme... Can anyone here shed some more light on my situation, should i go see the LLMD? I have some bad cognitive symptoms...
Thank you so much Razzle. Does anyone know of a Lyme Literate Doctor in Canada Ontario?...
I got my Igenex results back today and I tested.. IGM Positive CDC/NYS Negative 18 kda - 22 kda - **23-25 kda - 28 kda - 30 kda - **31 kda + **34 kda IND ** 39 kda - **41 kda + 45 kda - 58 kda- 66...