+Lyme, I haven't been on the forums much at all lately, but just read your post and wanted to reply. You are NOT pathetic. I know how you feel. You are not alone. Just wondering - how long have you...
needshelp, I didn't read what others had already replied, but wanted to let you know that this is certainly NOT off-topic! This is a HUGE issue I have struggled with! My relationship of almost 6...
I was on Neurontin (Gabepentin) when I first got sick - was taking it along with a couple of other anti-epileptics for migraine prevention. It didn't help the pain at all. I tried switching to...
Rawrunner, I have SO much empathy for you! Unfortunately, too many of us have been through VERY similar situations, sometimes several times! I cannot even explain to you the rage I have felt after...
livingca, I'm really sorry for what you're going through - Lyme disease can just be absolutely insane. I think I know how your husband feels, so I can empathize with both of you. I got sick when I...
The points you raise are valid and ones we all struggle with balancing in our lives. My philosophy used to be work comes first because without an income, you can't support your family. However, now...
Just as an FYI/precaution - Diclofenac is an NSAID so you don't want to take it with Aspirin, Celebrex, or other such drugs....
Even though it's hard to imagine what MORE some patients need to be experiencing to get the medications they need (and seem so readily available to others), it's a liability that many doctors just...
I already have it set on my DVR, though I know Jesse Ventura is EXTREMELY controversial. If anything, it'll be interesting! Here's the info. if anyone is interested:...
Mamyou - I took Doxy at least twice and had to stop both times. I can't remember the exact symptoms of the Herx reactions I had (I've tried so many different antibiotics and had vastly different...
+Lyme - For some reason this last message wasn't sent to me so I just stumbled over it! There are many web sites where you can compare different medications (of the same class) to find out which...
It cost me exactly $200 to get tested through Igenix and I can't remember if I was tested for co-infections or not. I would definitely get tested through another lab first -- then, IF it's negative...
Roses - Just read your post and it made me a little sad. :( I know the stigma you have experienced but I don't think I've ever felt I had to lie or even mislead anyone about the truth of my illness....
Interesting about the magnesium and iron...it seems there's a downside to consider with EVERYTHING! I often wondered why my doctor shot me down when I mentioned magnesium supplements for all the...
Just wanted to let you know I've been there and know the stress and anxiety you're going through. I was in my final semester for my Bachelor's degree when I got sick and if it weren't for very...
I think all I ate for the first two years was sugar and carbs. I was so sick I just didn't care...and I've heard MANY stories from people who claim they were down to just three or four foods they...
I took anti-malaria medication for several months - I think it may have helped a little, but no real way of knowing... Is your doctor planning on increasing your Doxy dosage now that you feel better?...
+Lyme - just read your long post and wanted to respond (again). You did the best you could do, the best you knew, as a mother and that ALL any parent can do... Your boys are adults now and you can't...
achievinggrace - Your post is exactly what I've talked about before in regards to this... It's WAY scary to me how much control you can lose when you step into an emergency room, especially if you...
I think it's a personal decision whether or not you feel you need immediate/urgent care. YES, I HAVE been there several times, but I learned from experience that there was nothing positive that ever...
Lyme is known to be cyclical. How long have you been taking Augmentin? I think some people start taking antibiotics and it's easy to think it's either not working, or it's stopped working too quickly...
Have you consulted an E.N.T. to make sure there's nothing (physiologically) going on that may be causing this pain? It seems ear problems ARE often worse in the cooler weather and winter months......
Are you taking any anti-epileptic medications like Neurontin or Lyrica? It could be a symptom of Lyme or could be a side-effect of medication...the anti-seizure medications (two mentioned are used...
Tests for Lyme are ALL inaccurate! We all wish so very badly for validation from a positive test, but the truth is that many of us just never get them (even through Igenix)...some of us are lucky to...
I still don't understand how any doctor concludes that a Lyme test (especially one on a person with multi-systemic symptoms) is a false positive...seriously?!?!...
I've heard them discussed several times on this forum - you may try doing a search for "Rife" and read some previous posts... Many people seem to think they help!...
Hi Brandon, Sorry to hear about the sweating - I deal with it, too, though not as severely as it sounds like you've been experiencing. You wouldn't happen to be taking any narcotic pain medication,...
+Lyme, I'm really sorry to hear you're having such a hard time and struggling psychologically. I think many (if not most) of us have been there, at least temporarily, at some point during our illness...
I've read MANY, many, many horror stories (in Lyme books) of the Mayo clinic either ignoring or misdiagnosing Lyme....
Did you ask the doctor why he didn't give you a full examination? Sadly, some doctors are so used to getting patients in and out in as quick a manner as possible, bill insurance, and being on their...
Shel, I know it's frustrating to get negative test results back - I had many! Just try not to stress too much. Ironically, a negative test has little-to-no validity, but a positive test often gives...
I was so frustrated reading your last post that I almost didn't finish or respond. Yes, your LLMD should be able to find/diagnose neurological problems (mine tests me each time I see him)....
Good, I'm glad you agree! I was horrified, too, but I didn't want to offend you! And I'm actually very pro-drugs when people are in pain, but this list is ridiculous - it just makes me think of...
You may be interested in the treatment protocol I'm using (because I couldn't tolerate antibiotics due to severe Herxing). As written by Stephen Harrod Buhner in his book, Healing Lyme, and...
I've never had any fingers bend like you describe but I do get pain in my fingers quite a bit. Lyme pain tends to migrate (one day it'll be in the larger joints like the hips, and the next it could...
I'm confused - why do you need a doctor's permission to take your child off medication??? If I had taken every prescription every doctor suggested, I'd be in a similar situation (which I actually...
I just looked up Band 66 in my "Lyme Bible" (The Baker's Dozen & the Lunatic Fringe by PJ Langhoff). There is quite a bit of information on this band, but it's all so complicated that I can't give...
Simela, Has baby been tested and if so was she positive? Just curious... I've often wondered, when reading some of your other posts, about why you'd be breast-feeding with Lyme disease, but now...
Aspirin. I've tried EVERYTHING, although I can't take the Imitrex/Maxalt/etc. type medications - I get a very bad reaction in my head that makes me feel like someone is squeezing my brain! Seriously...
#1) I don't know why your primary physician would think you weren't having a Herx reaction. Both Lyme doctors I've seen have been adamant that they have never had a patient who DIDN'T get sicker...
I've experienced MUCH of the same... There is NO WAY anyone could understand what it's like to have Lyme disease without actually walking a day in our shoes...no one could even begin to imagine. I...
Sole pain has probably been my third top/worst complaint during the last three years I've been sick. The first LLMD I saw was concerned/suspicious of at least two co-infections; the LLMD I currently...
You could always order a small supply (online?) and have it shipped to the hotel...or contact the hotel, explain your situation and needs, and see what they suggest is the best way to get the stuff...
I don't know exactly how the negative effects of Prednisone manifest in a Lyme patient, I've only heard it's not recommended and can cause (possibly permanent) setbacks. I had a similar situation...
So interesting...I'm sorry for your suffering but really glad to hear you found at least a temporary "cure." I've said this before and I'll say it again here: I just pray I live to see the day when...
Sorry I haven't been on in a while to reply - I went through over a week of having the wrong pain medication, compliments of the local pharmacist! I'm just so glad I called to find out what was going...
Wow, I don't think one Diflucan is going to do much when you're on long-term antibiotics. I've had to take 10 days worth (one pill a day) at least twice during different antibiotic treatments......
Mr. Blue - 1200 mg. of Ibuprofen is not safe! Please talk to your doctor and get something stronger to treat your pain. I'm sure people have conflicting views about taking narcotics for pain from...
Thanks, Denise! Morgan is the opposite - he eats and eat and eats and doesn't put on weight. By the end of summer I'm usually panicking because he gets so skinny... He's a natural-born hunter and...
I have terrible calf pain, too! All I can tell you is that if it were me, I would absolutely have my kids tested...I would even have my CAT tested if I was at all concerned. This disease is very...