Thanks for all the helpful tips everyone! I will try some of these ideas....
Thanks for the tip, Missy Joy! Also, love the scripture. One of my favorites!...
Hi All! Does anyone have a recommendation for an over the counter med to help with the headaches? I'm really struggling this week. Thanks!...
Hi All, I have had chronic lyme for a long time. New symptom of head tremors showed up a year or so ago. They are worse the more tired I am. Anyone else have this? Wondering if it's lyme or if I...
I have chronic lyme disease. Anyone have a doctor they recommend in Madison, WI area? Thanks so much!...
Hi all, I'm having trouble with my mouth feeling kinda raw. There are rough patches on the inside of my mouth in front of my lower teeth. Also, my teeth feel dry. It's weird; like there's no coating...