thank you, I know of only 2 LLMDs within a 5 hour drive and both of them are cash only. not an option for me. the best I can do is to educate my doctor. I am printing the Ilads treatment guidelines...
My Chiropractor called me yesterday and told me he had the results of my western blot. Band 41 was positive on both the IgG and IgM and band 31 was indeterminate on one of the tests, but I can't...
neurally mediated hypotension it is also known as vasovagal response. it is very low blood pressure attacks from the blood pooling in the legs. causes...
sorry CajunGrl. I seem to be brainless lately! thanks for cleaning up after me tho :)...
I went to a support group the other night in my town. one of the speakers was a veterinarian. he told us that there was not a problem with vet med like there is with human med. vets just treat lyme...
Hi Razzle. I have a positive ANA 1:180 with speckled pattern, high se rate and high c reactive protein, and also a positive anti-sm. and it was the anti smith not anti smooth muscle. This test is...
well, I went to see my doctor today. she wrote the order for the blood work to send to Igenex. I was careful not to push to hard on the lyme issue, but she did tell me a lot that I had read on ILADS'...
Thank you all so much for your responses. Traveler - I have a copy of the guidelines printed and ready to take with me. I also printed out the ilads guidelines as well although they are not as...
Thank you CajunGrl....