thank denise I watched the videos on jennas blog which got me turned onto his clinic seriously thinking about taking out a loan and going over there because after all these years nothing else has...
thanks any luck with that?...
Has anyone used ozone therapy to treat Chronic Lymes (autohemotherapy, extra corporeal ozone)? was it any help? thanks...
Has anyone been to the Paracelsus clinic in switzerland and followed Dr Rau's protocol for Chronic Lymes? was it any help? \thanks...
Thanks for all the advice. I have had CLD for about 20 years now, recently within the last 6 years I have been rebitten several times. My worst condition was during and after oral antibiotics, which...
I have been living with chronic lymes plus all co-infections now for many years and have been able to somewhat control it through strict diet and easy exercise...I am still in constant pain and...