I previously posted about my daughter with vision problems. I'm looking for an llmd and naturopath. I have received recommendations. Dr. C in pa, she isn't scheduling for a year. So any...
Thank you so much Chapelle for posting. your comment is reassuring. now to research the effect of congenital lyme. If feel so guilty. should have saved the cord blood. should have thought about it...
Hello mothers, Sorry to see I'm not alone. Thank you for posting. I wanna learn all i can from your trial and error to advocate for my 3 yr old twin girls. rowmom, do you know of herbal antibiotics...
Opthamologist found 60% cupping in my 3 year old daughter's eyes. Fear may be glaucoma. I wonder if lyme has infected anddamaged her optic nerve. Though previous tests dont show it i fear she has...
Has anyone tried the herbsoflight.com protocol?...
I contacted ddaniel regarding her experience. I too was tested by my chiropractor with muscle kinesiology. It allowed me to learn what my body wanted. I also held a vile of a type of lyme bacteria to...
Anyone able to recommend a llmd pediatrican? Dr Jones is not affordable and Dr Ann Corson has an 8 month wait. Can anyone please help? Wanna check if I passed it to them. I haven't been symptomatic...
Just my opinion, but with varying symptoms sounds like a flare up. I thought I recall from somewhere symptoms do flare up after a bite. Is that tru?...
Please share your experiences and successes with Dr. Klinghardt's protocol, or Zhang's, or any others. Its been a while since I've been last treated & looking for a new doc to learn my current status...
Yes, there is a concernof passing lyme to infants which I realized too late. Now I wonder if I can attribute complications to lyme. I will start a new post on this subject today. Pls look for it if u...
142- thanks for taking the time to get back. My dad has medicare and tricare. I WILL look into it. My dad got an earlier appt at Fox Chase for next Friday. Their pathologist is gonna review the...
All responses are much appreciated and thanks again for those that did post ! Hopefully I'll get my father's info together so you all will be able to offer me more info & suggestions. Anyone that has...
TC LasVegas- Thanks for responding. My dad's dr isn't responsive to a lot of questions. Just tells my dad not to worry he'll take care of him. Will get the biopsy report. Only radiation,no hormonal...
Thanks guys for responding so quickly. I will get back ASAP with my dad's info so I can get better, more specific advice. After I submitted this post I did a search and found 'diamond3' s post on...
Hello. I used to post on the lyme forum. I'm brought to this forum because my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer this week. Inoperable. Dr recommended 45 treatments of radiation/chemo. He was...
Guys, I need your help. Just spoke to my 76 yr old father who informed me of a tick bite he got a week ago. He removed it himself and not sure if he got it all. Well, today he told me 3 days ago his...
I thank God for guiding me towards alternative treatments for lyme disease. Lyme has positively influenced my life in that has changed my perspective on the power of good nutrition, a healthy...
finding721, I had twitching to. That's how the insomnia started. I'd fall asleep and my leg would twitch bad and keep me up. I'd be driving and my left leg would start. Then I felt like my whole body...
finding721, Extreme fatigue was my main symptom for 3 weeks before I was treated. I have to agree with Deejavu. Once you research alternative treatments you will discover a lot of truth in positive...
So Ben butt, how long have you had anxiety attacks? how long have you been controlling it? Is Joe Barry's panic away the thing that worked or do use meds or other forms of therapy. Just very curious...
everyone thank you so much for getting back to me. i am taking .5mg of ativan. my first time and its been three weeks and i fel like i need to take it every night to sleep so far. except last night....
I read at a sit about taking anti anxiety meds are helpful but long term use is unhealthy, how so?...
Hi guys I'm new to this side of the forum. I'm usually in the lyme forum. I was ust wondering if anyone has tried the Charles Linden Method or the Joe Barry's Panic Away method cause I'm considering...