Hi all! I just recently purchased an Omega Masticating juicer and I am looking for juice recipes that are specific for FM. Does anybody out there have any suggestions? Or at least which veggies and...
I have begun to research how to self-treat Lyme because I have yet to find a doctor who can adequately treat me and/or acknowledge that I have Lyme. Among others, I have come across Ledum as a...
So I know this post is a bit TMI, but I have been scouring the web and have been unable to find any information on my question. So please excuse the details... I had my 3rd rife treatment last night...
WWJD20, My husband and I have been researching a lot and we have found that the coil and plasma are supposed to be the most effective rife machines. I found a woman who lives locally who has a plasma...
I think if you go to this website they have LLMD referral information: http://www.lymediseaseassociation.org Hope this helps :)...
I have late disseminated lyme disease with my MAJOR symptoms being muscle pain (mostly in my back), joint pain as well as brain fog and headaches. We are looking into purchasing a rife machine as a...
Thank you all for the information! Achievinggrace- I agree that a "low and slow" approach is more appropriate and that I need to essentially put my foot down to this aggressive and expensive approach...
Hello all! I have been reading many posts on this forum and have found the information to be educational and helpful. Here is my story: -Diagnosed with anxiety and depression in 2006, was prescribed...