It wouldn't hurt to get some labwork done. Seems Igenex labs is the place to use. Ask your doctor about it. You can go to their website to learn more. Best wishes!...
I'm new here, but I posted once when it first started, and another one yesterday or the day before because I had learned more, and more things to say. This whole debate over people's health is...
I have a friend out in LA, and she thinks I should check out there for a doc. Any ideas feel free to PM, although I'm not sure if I know how to get my messages if you do send me a PM! lol...
If I have chronic Lyme, I feel quite certain others in my family have it too. No one complains of symptoms, but if I was bitten it was probably at our family property and we've all been going out...
Yes, I have FT3 and Rev T3 and FT4. All these years I've thought my symptoms were related to the thyroid and the fact that docs treat with thyroxine and don't care about ALL the other problems that...
Hi Y'all. Since I have had a period of intense itchiness before about 2 years ago, I think it is thyroid or lyme related. Both started when it wasn't overly cold, so don't think that's it, and...
Thanks Scarlet. Biggest thing right now that I'm experiencing is horrendous itching of my elbows and ankles. This happened a couple years ago, and I thought it was my thyroid going hypo, so my doc...
The email I received from the physicians assistant recommended I consider a test called spiro stat. How can I tell if my infection is new or old?...
IgG Ab 23 positive also on December Western Blot. I live in central Louisiana. Also a Cajun Girl!...
So, today doc emailed me that my Western Blot that was negative in September is now positive. She called in 3 weeks of doxycycline. Does this mean I definitely have Lyme? I've read stuff online all...