OK,thanks....yes,I got bit this summer.....
I have been in and out of hospitals and doctors offices...still no answers and not much better than when I started. I asked my doctor for a breakdown of my lymes test and she said" when its negative,...
Yes it was a regular doctor that ordered the test. She ordered a western blot test and I specifically asked for a breakdown so that I can see the I think its called igg numbers. She also ordered a...
Hello everyone. I just wanted to let everyone know I just got done getting new tests retaken. I asked my doctor for a copy of my lymes test so that I could see the breakdown and the actual number's...
Thanks for breaking that down for me everyone,,,I never would have known any of that without you guys...I will be sure to get the results tomorrow and post them. All I do know is that it was a...
I only got tested for lymes and that was negative...I haven't gotten the HIV done yet, but with my symptoms I'm thinking I am positive...Thanks for praying for me....
I just came from my doctors appointment and they said my western blot test was negative...I really think I am HIV positive, I am more scared now than ever :cry:...
Thanks, I'm willing to try just about anything right now.... my pains migrate from day to day too,,, its to the point now where my first thought when I wake up in the mornings is what kind of...
Hello everyone!!! Hope everyone is doing as well as possible,,, I have been experiencing a burning sensation in my thighs and pain in my heals when I put pressure on them...Has anyone else went...
Good morning everyone,,, I am not doing so well, when I woke up this morning I could barely hear, and an awful headache and a little sore throat. I made a doctors appointment & have to be there@1130,...
Hello everyone, just wanted to let you all know I ordered an HIV test kit&it should be here within a day or so. I just couldn't bring myself to get tested the first time in a doctor office alone, if...
Hi jen3785,thanks for the advice. I was wondering if I could do anything legally if I were to be positive. I really think he knew because he also let me know he had the symptoms. I just felt so...
I know that feeling, I was going through the same thing just today, except I wasn't in the shower and mine sort of sounded like a tone or ringing or something..,That really freaks me out, that's not...
Thanks for the support &advice everyone. I've decided to see about looking for anonymous testing tomorrow. It has been about 5 years since I got the rash that looks like the bulls eye rash. I didnt...
Hello everyone...I am new to this site, first wanted to say after reading some of the posts, Ionger feel so alone&this is my very first time talking about my situation. I was born with sickle cell...