Why cant this guy come to Australia!! Good post...
Does anyone else have loss of appetite and feel constantly bloated?? I feel so bloated in the mornings a glass of water to wash all the antibiotics and herbs down is a struggle! I generally do not...
Thanks Don, Just for interest, what model rife machine did you use? Was there a particular frequency you adjusted to, and how often and how long did you use it?...
Thanks nan777, Do you think your herx reaction was due to the "detox box" actual breaking down some bacteria and releasing toxins?? Is that why it wasnt a good fit?...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCQ2SutlREU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZv4GUeKuPI ...
MarieLS, Many thanks for your response. Yes, driving, what a disaster waiting to happen!!! As you said you feel as though you are "getting dumb and dumber", I too feel the same. I just really hope at...
The world of lyme is doing my head in literally! Besides being mentally and physically fatigued I cannot seem to concentrate on anything. Everything seems as though its a huge task. Even the smallest...
Lymemompi I have heard of her through another guy im doing treatment with here in australia. He has said she is very knowledgable and does consults via skype. I ve looked up her website and the...
/community/emoticons/shocked.gif /community/emoticons/shocked.gif Hi anyone, Im new to this and sorry if this has been discussed before... Im from Australia and apparently Lyme Disease does not...