Unfortunately you are likely already dealing with chronic Lyme, and since Lyme rarely presents as the only infection of this type, I would suggest that you look at the symptom lists of the other...
And as far as eating healthy goes, I'm a whole foods, oil-free vegan. I only drink water. Basically the healthiest diet there is :)...
Oh... My PCP says this rheumatologist specializes in Lyme disease....
Thanks so much! I will definitely look through the site. This is what I have as far as Lyme blood work: Lyme: negative Lyme Western Blot IgG: Non Reactive Protein 18 IgG: Absent Protein 23 IgG:...
Hi everyone. I'm new here and I need advice... I guess I'll start at the beginning. Last June I was eaten up by Mosquitos and ended up with a 10inch round rash on my leg. I do have pics. It was...