Thanks so much OpuGirl. Also, I could use more referrals if anyone knows of great LLMD's in California and surrounding areas. I really want to pick my doctor correctly, especially with the expense....
Hi, I recently got my Igenex results back. I was positive for both IGg and IGm which is great. I still don't know if I have an active infection, but with my clinical symptoms it seems likely. So, I...
I got my blood drawn yesterday. Apparently Igenex does not seem to think antibiotics affect a western blot significantly, so I did not do anything special to prepare. Thanks again for the input....
Thank you, I will call Igenex tommorrow. However, in case they don't get back to me in time: since I'm getting the blood drawn on Wednesday, I was hoping someone had experience using bacteriacidal...
Hi, I am getting a western blot through Igenex next week. I have been on doxycycline and azithromyocin for about 10 months now. I also have a prescription for Metronizadole and Amoxicillin which...
Just got back blood-work from Labcorp Abs. CD8-CD57+ Lymphs 48: reference range of 60 - 360 Percentage CD8-/CD57+ 2.5: reference range of 2-17 So, if I'm reading it correctly the test strongly...
Hi Yogi, I added an email address. If you could send me the information for those doctors it'd be great. I have an appointment with one in San Diego but she is quite costly and I am tight for funds....
Hi Yogi, Could you please private message that info to me on doctors? I have not found a good LLMD that takes insurance. Also, if you could do it again would you have skipped the co-infection...
@ Georgia Hunter. I read a study that showed that amoxicillin is bactericidal against intracellular forms...
@opugirl. I've been on antibiotics for 9 months now. I'll call Igenex... I was also curious if their western blots are sensitive for European strains of Borrellia and such, or just the bacteria found...
By the way. What's the consensus on the sensitivity of Igenex tests while on antibiotics; specifically doxycycline, azithromyocin and flagyl? I don't want to get a false negative by putting the...
Thanks for the input. I'm getting a CD57 test through labcorp at the moment. I'm leaning toward the complete lyme panel since I would likely get reimbursed for most of it. Perhaps I will do the...
@bluebyyou. I have a tenative appointment late August. I wanted to get some results first since the appointments and labs are so expensive and not covered. Also, I'm trying to make sure she is the...
Thanks for the reply. Thats a good idea and I could afford that without help. A couple follow up questions. I think Lyme tap only reimburses clia/medicare labs, and I couldn't determine if 'advanced...
Hi, I am 29 and was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 4 years ago after an acute incident where my right leg went numb. I have a few small and stable lesions in my nervous system, but no oligoclonal...