Dr. Mercola's girlfriend has Lyme Disease. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/09/04/lyme-disease.aspx ...
If you can't tolerate welchol you probably won't be able to tolerate cholestyramine either. Try zeolite and charcoal. Start slow. And take all other supplements and medications at least an hour away...
Interesting ... for anyone wondering (or frustrated!) about testing for Lyme Disease ... a pathologist explains ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8tESJVvM88 ...
Anyone have experience with the Photon Genie or Genius?...
Has anyone tried the Marshall Protocol? Experience? Success? Thoughts?...
kayla, What is the name of the book?...
I am interested as well in receiving the names of the 2 LLMDs in SoCal that accept insurance. Thanks in advance....
Me too, Will. Fact is, I told myself during the midst of a really bad flare up this past week that I would never complain of any of my other symptoms again if this one would just go away for good....
So vertigo and balance issues are "normal" for lymies?!? Does anyone know what triggers theirs to flare up?...
Light and love going out to him .......
Hi opugirl, Thank you for the suggestions. I have read a ton of the threads here including the one you suggested. Great info, support and lots of things to consider as I begin my journey of traveling...
Does anyone know of a LLMD or LLND in Tucson?...