Thank you Heather and thank you Razzle! Great information, way more than what I was going on. Heather I know what you mean about the bugs dying, every time I get a new pain or problem I tell myself...
Hi everybody,Just want some ideas to help with oral thrush. I've only been on heavy abx for a month (after 4 rounds of amoxicillin from Feb. to April) and am taking good probiotics 2x a day plus Azo...
Thank you Traveler! Very helpful information that I appreciate so much. I am going to check out your "Chronic Tonic" because me and the abx ain't gettin' along so well... don't think I can handle...
Wow, thank you so much to all of you for your replies! I feel better already just hearing from you and knowing I'm not alone. I will def ask about changing the doxy because if this keeps up I won't...
Hi I'm new here, I was just diagnosed with lyme last month after almost a year of severe symptoms and trying to figure out what was wrong. So thankful for a diagnosis! I have started doxy and...