Hi Todd! Yes, the doc cut my dosage in half. The herxing is less. Now it's mostly killer pain in my heels. And my knees don't always cooperate. The fatigue stayed about the same. But at least I am...
I would love some info on that! I am so sorry to hear about your decline and the death of your mom!! ::Big Hugs:: to you!! Yeah. I have found that if I don't keep a sense of humor about life and all...
Ok. Good to know! Thank you!...
No appetite so I haven't been taking it with food. Uh oh! Is that important and why?...
Dr J in CT (my kids' pediatric LLMD) was the one who recommended that I get tested from the things he noticed about me. After 8 hour marathon session with him for my kids, he felt strongly I get...
My daughter had the bullseye rash x3 and was CDC positive x3. Her first rash was gone within an hour from when we noticed it. Thank God we took pictures!! Her second one lasted about two days. I...
My LD has me on oregano to detox. ??? Is there something else I can do to lessen these miserable symptoms?...
I started on 6/29/13. I woke up a week later with over 100 petuchiae. Within a few days of taking it, I had moderate heel pain. For the last week, I have been in excruciating pain that migrates....
My Lyme doc had me start on probiotics and oregano. Nothing else. Since I have begun taking ADP by Biotics Research Corp which is essentially emulsified oil of oregano in tablet form, my tolerable...
Thank you, Garden Peace!! Yeah, it feels like such a long road. Dr. J. said my middle daughter is going to be tricky to heal. According to him, she is "very buggy and has a lot of issues.". She has...
If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito. -- Bette Reese Although, seriously, we should change mosquito to to tick. :-/...
I took my daughter to see Dr. J in CT after a recent bite. Her pediatrician refused to acknowledge the possibility of Lyme even though she developed flu like symptoms 4 days after removal of an...