A few short weeks ago I was struggling to breath, but I was "herxing". My Lyme doctor recommended I come off all medication which I did and I experienced a dramatic improvement! Unfortunately I am...
The kindness shown on this forum is heartwarming! I lie here (feeling) alone in my frustration and feelings of hopeless and then get a response to my post! I am so grateful! I have also been...
I am so confused! Almost 4 weeks ago my kidneys went into overload (my 1st herx) ~ it took almost a week to get well enough to make it home! Since then I have been struggling interesting enough more...
Thank you! I will head out to the health food shops this morning ~ your suggestions are very much appreciated :) x...
I need advice....please! Mid June i experienced my first known herx! it was very scary and my kidneys went into overload and stopped functioning properly! My bowel also stopped functioning! I was...