One evening I was watching TV and my left buttock muscle started aching I could actually feel the ache getting progressively worse so I looked at my hip and that is when I found a bull's eye rash. Of...
Would like to hear from anyone who has seen Dr. C in Missouri or who knows someone who has. Thanks LuciRose...
Thank you for your help Traveler. I really appreciate it....
Thank you Opugirl I was bitten on my left side hip which is where my rash is located. My left side gluteus maximus started aching so badly and so suddenly that I finally looked and that's when I saw...
Hi. I found a Bull's Eye Rash 9 days ago. Dr. Prescribed 100 mg Doxycycline twice a day and didn't think a larger dose was needed. I would like to find a Dr. to talk to about other options. I heard...