Bumblebee. Wondering how you are doing. I also have been treated for early lyme. Only remaining symptom is lower leg twitching. Could this be from the doxy itself. Never had this before doxy!...
Can I ask how you were diagnosed?...
Thank you Traveller. How long were you in treatment for and what route did you go? Do you have a post with your symptoms and treatments?...
Also 83-93 says IND I accidentally left that out on the IGM result. What does that mean?...
Thank you Traveller!!! is this a strong positive for lyme disease then? because it is cdc positive does that mean that main stream doctors will agree that I do have lyme disease?...
IGENEX IGG CDC NEGATIVE 18KKDA - 23-25 - 28 - 30 + 31-34- 39 IND 41 ++ 45 KDA - 58 ++ 66 - 83-93 - IGENEX IGM POSITIVE CDC POSITIVE 18 + 23-25 + 28 - 30 + 31 + 34 IND 39 + 41 + 45 - 58 - 66 - 83-93-...
HI I am a little frightened here. Any success stories please? If so could you explain your symptoms and treatment that worked for you along with how long it took? I really need some hope here!...
Can I ask what state you are in?...
Would that docter be in Saginaw?...
anyone from Michigan at all?...
Is anyone on here from Grand Rapids Michigan and who are you seeing for your Lyme?Thanks!...
Sue you may have gastritis from coming off your meds too quickly. I have those exact symptoms with gastritis. Carafate before bed would probably really help! Thanks for keeping us updated....
Benzobuddies.org has a ton of info on this. Yes benzo withdrawal can affect so many things!...