I hear ya...
Does anyone have headaches that seem to change location? Start in the front of the head behind the forehead and the move back toward the center of the head under the scalp. Also, how would you...
Does anyone pressure move around from say front of the head to under the scalp. Does anyone ever get a deep a ache a well. Would this be a bart or bab thing?...
You need a western blot test done. Igenex would be best but you need to have a blot done! Sounds like it could be a lyme. I would take ask for a doxy scrip....
Does anyone get feeling like their head is filling with air and it's going to pop? Does is also feel like a tight helmet on the head? Curious!...
headache is my worst symptom. Some days I just have mild discomfort like a pressure behind my forehead. Other days that same spot might feel just like a tooth ache does. The sensation also moves and...
Do any of you suffer from daily headaches do to lyme. If so what do they feel like and where are the located? Thanx...
O about me. I am in my 30's live in NJ and work in landscape contracting...
Traveler, My symptoms started with some slight memory problems, slow cognitive function, and blurry vision. Then came the most horrible headaches, nausea and fatigue. These headaches where located in...
IGM 31 ind 41 ind IGG 41+ What do you think...