Thanks I will make sure to replace, it was about 1000 but at the point I'm at I will do anything...
I have done 2 foot detoxes the past week with ion spa machine and sea salt. I just ordered the machine to my house so I can do one everyday to detox my body. I feel a little better the day after. I...
Its like some one sick joke! I still do not understand how so many docs misdiagnose us....
Thanks for the info. I am really sorry that you guys are going through this to :(. Really is like a bad nightmare. Even when I sleep never feels like it is good sleep. My sleep study showed i never...
My doc is in new jersey if your friend would travel there...
I still do not have a positive for lyme on a blood report and that what is worrying me...
I am taking doxycline 200 mg and tindazole 1000mg. This Saturday I had first shot of biclin. Lyme doc thinks I have had this for 2 to 3 years. She did cd-57 was 61, intestinal siga was 15 (400- 800)...
Mri shows punctate right greater than left white matter flair foci which are non specific Questionable cortical thickening and abnormal Flair signal in the superior medial left frontal cortex and...
I woke up every 35 mins last and I feel tired but can not rest. I have been on oral antibiotics for 30 days and took one shot of bicilin last Saturday. I felt better for the first week, but now I...
Thank you...
Thanks what would you recommend best for detoxing? Thanks...
I just spoke with my doc and this is the treatment plan for now. 200 mg slow dissolve doxy, 1000 tindazole, 1.2 bicilin injection once a week, iv 500 doxy with immungolbin. She said lets see how your...
Thanks I will let you know what doc puts me on. Since I am on oral I will suggest something else for the iv treatment. I really appreciate all the replies and help....
Thanks everyone I really appreciate the feedback...
Thanks Beth. I am on 1 billion probiotics a day and eat a very clean diet. I will bring up the rocephin when I speak with the doc. I am seeing a really good lyme literate in my area. I juice once a...
Thanks I am on doxycycline 200 mg slow release and 1000 tindazole, for the past month. The doc is going start iv this weekend. She said 500 mg of doxycline and immunglobin through iv. She feels the...
Hi I have been suffering for a year now. I have been to 41 docs and to mayo clinic. I have bladder and bowel dysfunction, severe sleeping problems, cold hands and feet, tingling in my hands, muscle...