Thank you Jackie the dunn. would be interested to see what he has to say....
Our appointment with the holistic vet will be this coming Tuesday We will report back what she says.... sorry not garden peaces but opugirl . . .your threads I need to reference. . .how do I find them?...
Thank you all. Today I start holistically to save my dogs life. . . .Much to do. . .one question Garden peace you site several posts regarding past Lymes articles. . . .how do I access these? Thanks...
Thank you Garden Peace. My doggies eat raw. . .and have for over 15 yrs. I live in NJ 08804 and no I have not found a holistic vet in my area. I would be greatful for recommended holistic vets. Thank...
Yes he is a small dog and the vet stated today after the lab tests that is is very likely the Lymes settled in his kidneys. If so, he further stated. . .he has no chance to survive. So I turn to you...