Margaret, you are an angel! Thank you so much, this is so helpful. I have been having some really bad days and this really helps me out. Thank you for all of your help!!!!...
Hi Everyone-- I need to write a letter to my insurance company appealing the denial for Bicillin Injections. They asked me to include any studies or articles as back up and I am coming up with nada....
Hi Everyone-- I was wondering what medications people find helpful for depression/anxiety while treating lyme. I hate adding another medication to all my antibiotics and supplements but I really feel...
Hi Jess-- I have almost all of the symptoms that you are experiencing and they are my worst symptoms as well. I will tell you that with treatment I have felt a little better and have had periods of...
Hi All! Thank you for the replies, sorry it took me so long to respond. @LymePickle, I am on Minocycline, so maybe that has something to do with it! They have popped up on my scalp (right at my...
Hi Everyone- I was wondering if anyone had experienced a sudden/large influx of new moles with their lyme or treatment. I find new moles popping up all of the time, even in places that do not see the...
Hi Lymebabe-- This was prescribed to me by my LLMD from Johnson Compounding and Wellness in Waltham, MA. Hope that helps!...
I would be interested!...
I think I activated my email :) Sorry, I am new to this I didn't realize that it wasn't activated. I am currently being treated by Dr. L out of Boston and am on several antibiotics. The brain fog,...
Hi All-- I was hoping someone could message me the name of a LL Neurologist in MA. My cognitive symptoms have become increasingly worse, even with treatment. Thank you....
No cats. In fact I am allergic to cats so I avoid them at all costs. I am thinking that it may be due to undercooked meat? I have no idea. I did spend some time traveling internationally and I wasn't...
Thank you for the reply Opugirl. I just can't believe all the things I am learning through this process. This one really threw me for a loop. Do you have any tips on building up your immune system,...
Does anyone have any experience treating Toxoplasma gondii? I am very perplexed by this diagnosis :smhair: and I can't seem to figure out if it is something that you can ever get rid of. Does anyone...
Margaret, your post hurts my heart. I hope you will be able to do all of those things. I also have my will and updating beneficiaries on my to do list. I am really looking forward to a surprise trip...
This is awesome. Thank you for posting. I sort of want to print it out and pass it out to everyone I know, haha....
Thank you @achievinggrace. I know, I think my doctor is so sick of me. I try to only reach out if it is something REALLY scary, but she doesn't seem phased by all that is going on. She is a very...
@dvlsfan30 I will. It is crazy to me that she hasn't been tested yet. It would be amazing if she could have some improvement in her life as well. She has been wheelchair bound for 20 years. But we...
@ToddPaul Started out on 200 mg doxy 2x daily and arteminisin. In my first two months of treatment now....
Thank you Lymebabe. My mom has a unexplained neurological illness/is wheelchair bound, and after reading and experiencing how crazy lyme acts, I can't help but think that it might be what caused her...
Hi Everyone-- I have been a long time lurker on this site, and honestly I want to thank you all because reading this forum has helped me keep (some sense of) my sanity. I am not sure how long I have...
It might feel good to yell though ;)...
I have very seriously thought about writing these letters. My first symptoms (after a flu-like illness) 9 years ago were: a sudden onset of floaters, flashing light, photophobia, and panic attacks. I...
Hi Sueg-- I wish I had something better to say other than I understand. I feel like I am in the same boat. I did get my Igenex results (I must have called them 3 times to find out when they would be...