We've only been treating for Lyme, but I have wondered about Bart. Happy to hear your success with herbals. I don't want her back on abx - it will probably be our naturopaths first suggestion. She...
Thank you for your reply. Itt can be difficult to separate symptoms from phases and preferences. But my gut says this is Lyme related. It's helpful to hear others experiences and successes. I'm so...
My 7yo daughter was on abx last year for 4 mos (amox + azith). She got a stomach virus and we took her off abx to give her gut a rest. She is on Byron Whites A-L Complex (5 drops once a day right...
I was on abx for 8 months then was losing weight and had gut issues so went off them. I've been on A-L Complex since Dec and I had 3 amazing days in Jan. Then my symptoms started creeping back. Eye...
I have woken up in the middle of the night gasping for air and have also had "air hunger". I believe it is Babesia. My 7yo daughter has Lyme and just went off and (4 1/2 mos amox. + azith). She has...
Thanks - I'm also worries about co-infections. She is getting tested for babesia and anaplasma. I tested neg for cos but was clinically dx. I wish the tests were more reliable. It's not an easy...
So true, you can't fathom this disease unless you've had it or been close to someone with it. I look at my symptom list pre-treatment and shake my head. It seems impossible. I did read the post about...
I started seeing improvements once I switched from Mino/Rifampin to Atovoquone/Cipro. The Atovoquone/Cipro has given me lots of good days. It's so important to find the right combo. Babesia seems to...
My husband and I are struggling with how to treat our almost 7 year old daughter. She tested CDC positive on her Igenex IgM, negative IgG. We don't know when she was infected. I was diagnosed with...
For me the emotional part caught me totally off guard. I didn't expect it to burst into tears randomly. Sometimes for me it's harder than the physical pain. It's been a cycle... I feel physically...
Thanks gineranne8 - I got some peppermint tea and that seems to help. I also separated the Minocycline and take it with food and take the Rifampin an hour later. I think it's better. Time will tell...
Thanks so much for your advice. I know when I took Mino with almond butter and celery I did fine. So maybe I can do that and separate out the Rifampin so I can figure out what works best for that....
When I was taking Mino + Malarone I took them with food. I was nauseous, but that got better as time went on. The Rifampin says to take on an empty stomach (I guess for better absorption). But I have...
I just found out I have Chronic Lyme, have probably had it for many years. I've been on Minocycline (100mg bid) for 6+ weeks, was on Malarone (stopped last week since we no longer suspect Babesia). I...
I would change drs and see a LLMD. I had symptoms for 2 years, tested neg. on ELISA last year. This year tested pos for antibodies to B. burgdorferi, and my Western Blot test was iffy. Not a clear...
I'm new to this forum and to Lyme (have no positive test yet, but symptoms sound likely). A few details about my journey... Symptoms noticed Sept 2012 Fatigue, headaches, unable to exercise as usual...