And this is exactly why I continue to further distance myself from the craziness of the online community of people who believe they have Lyme disease. It's exercise, stop over thinking it. What's...
First month was doxy 100mg twice a day, then amoxi 500mg x 3/day, and finally IV Rocephin for a month. I wish I realized this at the time, but I now believe any active infection had been stopped at...
So, you didn't have much improvement with the treatment that your LLMD prescribed? wow - what was he prescribing? The physical therapy has helped me...but it certainly doesn't replace the treatment...
Just over 1 year to date sick and I'm about 90-95%. That is up from a baseline of about 20% and taking a years worth of disability. I embalmed myself with a stupid amount of antibiotics the first six...
On the other side of the spectrum, I contribute heavy exercise to my recovery. I pushed myself through a lot of uncomfortable hours Aat the gym, but it helped and gave me more progress then any llmd....
The people that tend to be on this site for years and never get better are the ones who never had an EM rash or tested positive for lyme, and are relying on a clinical diagnosis from an LLMD. Just an...
I have strong abdominal pains while I was on a multitude of abx. So bad I had a ultra sound performed. Liver and every other lab was completely normal. Pain didn't go away until I discontinued abx....
Lifting weights and going to the gym has significantly helped my twitching....
Alternative breathing through nostrils. Keep mouth closed and cover opposite nostril. Left - Intake Right - Exhale Right - Intake Left - Exhale Left - Intake And so forth. Try it, hopefully it helps...
After spending most of 2016 and 2017 dizzy and drunk like 24/7, I doubt I will ever drink again. I just have no interest after this awful experience. If my problem was aches and pains it might be...
I never attempted to make a distinction, I said the overwhelming majority of annual infections are cleared with a month of doxy. In other words, the overwhelming majority of people infected with...
You're joking - about the month of doxy...right? being sarcastic? month of doxy - only if recent infection - won't do squat for a chronic infection.[/quote] You disagree that the overwhelming...
Pilot i hope you're joking in your isda bs ? I would do sierra and then sophia follow up with some salt lake stems and then do bees for life[/quote] Dead serious. And I didn't make a general...
Don't you dare say long term antibiotics can cause damage :nono:...
That's a very difficult question to answer. The most literal answer would be your PCP or ID doc and a month of doxy. The overwhelming majority of folks who are infected with lyme and treat with a...
I did exactly what the bottle said, 20 drops x 3/day. I'm not a fan of this 1 drop stuff, I don't find it effective personally. Mixed with H20, warning it taste pretty gnarly....
I'm sorry to hear that Traveler, that's so juvenile and wrong. Look folks, we are all entitled to or opinions. I disagree with 99% of the people on that his very site about chronic Lyme disease, but...
I used a stupid amount of antibiotics and inundated myself over a 7 month period. I will no longer use them as I do not believe in chronic lyme being an active infection, and now my journey to...
acetyl l-carnitine...
Dr P wait is over a year and Dr K 3 months....
Yes those are very high numbers and if it were me I would stop abx and have more labs in 7 days. With the high dose and long term abx you are on, the most logical explanation would be the pills and...
1 cap x3/day. I believe it's 500mg per....
acetyl l carnitine has done wonders for me. I've also seen the most improvement from regular exercise and pushing my comfort zones little further each day. And FYI I was so bad for months that I...
Likely the latter. Anyone who has been out of the gym, or out of shape for a while will experience muscle twitching, lyme or no lyme....
Would love to hear if anyone have a homemade remedy with essential oils?...
Okay its lyme. Gooooodluck....
Option 3 - It is entirely unrelated to lyme or treatment. We need to remember, and in my opinion it's imperative for our mental sanity to recognize that we will develope more aches and pains as we...
Can any mods provide how many active members are in this forum and how many new members joined in past 12 months?...
There is no evidence of transmission to children through birth or feeding, just "hunches". A lot of people on here also have "hunches" that they sexually transmitted lyme to their partner and refuse...
Recommended by neuro. NOW brand....
I have been taking Acetyl-L-Carnitine for a couple days now and feel amazing. Like, feel like my old self amazing. I'm doing 500 mg x 3/day. My main issues were lightheadedness/tipsy/spacy/drunk...
Super easy recipe for those of you who can't stand the taste of ACV in tea but want to incorporate it in a meal. Marinate green and white chopped scallions in ACV for 10 or so minutes. Mix the...
9 Months. I had an EM Rash and positive blood from Quest. If you're collecting data it may be worthwhile to find out if people had an EM rash, positive blood test (CDC or labs internal standards)or...
Oh just stop astroman. I'm sorry your life is so goddamn tough. All doctors are assholes except LLMD's, got it. Grin....
All I can say is if your mental condition has deteriorated so badly that you are a threat to others on the road, please stop driving. Being sick is not an excuse for impaired driving, it's selfish...
Oh. My. God. The second rational post in less then a week. 👍...
Antibiotics for OCD? Come on......
I will also add that I live in Connecticut, so the average doc is probably more lyme savvy then those outside of defined lyme endemic areas....
Oh. My. God. Most rational post I have seen on this forum in 8 months! 👍 Also to add to this post, my non LLMD iD doc who absolutely doesn't buy into the quackery had me on IV abx after 30 days of...
I'm not claiming the moon doesn't effect people, but when you work yourself up and fear the moon cycle, of course your symptoms are going to be worse. Same with herxing. When you psych yourself out...
What is MS treatment like, I actually have no idea? Is it not worth it to try an MS protocol and see if you feel better? I mean if it works and gives you a quality of life back, whether it really was...
In my opinion if you are physically and mentally able, you need to start pushing yourself a little further in small steps. I feel it's so easy to get used to being sick that we can unconsciously...
Lightheaded/Tipsy/Woozy/Drunk feeling. Initially was ALL day long. Has decreased but still >50% of the time. Mental Fatigue. Not physically tired, and although mental fatigue I don't want to nap.... This is the spray I use...
Goshawk said it best, don't let Lyme take everything away from us. First LLMD I saw told me he doesn't walk on grass AT ALL. No exceptions. Too quacky for me, never saw him again after that. Keep...
If someone has had Lyme for 15 years - 30 days of doxy will not be enough. The Dr. (not a Lyme Literate one) might say that more abx won't help and what they now have is Post Lyme Treatment Disease...
I would say doxy MAY or MAY NOT work. For the people on this site, 30 days of doxy didn't work. But the folks on the site represent only a small number of the 30,000 - 300,000 people infected each...
Poor writing on my end. Everyone that gets lyme is not guaranteed to have the EM rash....
You were not sick until 4 years after your last known tick bite, but that doesn't mean you weren't bit AGAIN. I never saw my tick, just the EM rash, which we all know is not a guarantee. I agree...
That doesn't make sense, and doesn't address the fact the even though your not outdoorsy people, one of you would have had to have contracted lyme first to have given it to the other. So even though...