Thank you for the information. Unfortunately financially a lyme literate doctors not going to be possoble right now, and i have no insurance. I m going to look into a few of those home remedies...
I was diagnosed about a month ago and have been on an antibiotic which will be ending soon. As far as a follow up im unsure of which route to go. I keep being told I should see a lyme literate doctor...
Im in south jersey. So far the doxy has made me feel pretty horrible. Random bouts of extreme nausea and dizziness and flu like symptoms, or some days 80% of the day i ll have all symptoms on bad...
I believe i m on 100mg 2x a day, i started today and so far not too bad. The usual occasional nausea and dizziness. I ll see how it goes for the second dose, i make sure i keep something in my...
Im in new jersey. And it is a little overwhelming because I didnt know how bad it could get. I will post and see if i can find a close LLD closest one ive found was in king of prussia pa which is...
Many many months ago I noticed I started to have problems swallowing, got an upper GI done and was told it was just acid reflux. I continued to take prevacid and hoped for the best but still had...