What would be the best way of finding a good ILADS/LLMD doctor who knows all of his stuff so to speak. How can I find an LLMD in my area ???...
I called Igenex and they said to get tested again usually their may be a difference in 4-6 weeks but since its been a couple months now (4) I should get tested again because my IgM was pretty close...
I will be making an appointment with an LLMD in my area ASAP. It's funny that you say that healthy people DO NOT have these markers in their blood, I wanted to have my brother get tested (he's...
Ok was 23kDA the only thing you were positive on or where you positive on 31,34,41 etc.?? How did you first go about getting treatment. My current doctor still doesn't believe I have lyme and he...
Yea I'm still not sure about what to do it truly sucks. I wish that someone could just tell me. I have tried to do some metal toxicity testing as well and will re-do the igenex lab testing again to...
I appreciate your input but isn't The IgM supposed to turn over to IgG after a month or two. If I test again and the SAME results come up, wouldn't that be insignificant if it Didn't carry over to...
I got tested roughly 2-3 months ago. These are my test results ELISA (15) Negative Igenex IFA -40 (equivical) Lyme IgM WESTERN BLOT Igenex Igm Result Positive CDC/NYS Result Negative **31kDa. +...