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Sounds like Lyme to me. The standard diagnostic tests for Lyme are indeed very poor. Your best bet is to call Igenex Labs and order a test kit. Get your primary care doctor to order a blood draw and...
Fnfiacco, the flea and tick part of your post is a red herring. It doesn't really matter how you might have been infected, and it probably wasn't from the exploding blood of an engorged tick that...
Looks like Lyme to me. What are your symptoms? Here is a helpful article about Igenex interpretation:
Rumble, the symptoms you have described are almost identical to mine. Especially the muscle twitching/spasms (body-wide, but mostly in calf muscles). The characteristic nature of Lyme is in its...
Glad to help. I know how frustrating it is to keep backsliding. But measure your progress based on how you feel at your best. My best a year ago was about 40% of my 'normal.' Now I have days when I...
aphysicalwreck, I see a LLMD who basically follows the Burrancaso protocol. First 6 months on compounded Tetracycline and amantadine, along with nystatin and fluconazole to offset any ill effects of...
Glad to hear you got an appointment with a LLMD. You are on your way! What is your plan when your LLMD moves...? From the sound of it, your infection is not from the bite in May, but your 2013...
The asterisks indicate bands which, when reactive together, indicate a high likelihood of Lyme infection. In your case, you have a reaction to 3 starred bands 31, 39 and 41 (most LLMDs consider IND...
Sounds like classic Lyme symptoms -- Multi-systemic and migratory. I would recommend you see a bona fide LLMD. No doc on staff at Dartmouth Hitchcock will make you well. Nor will a "Lyme friendly"...