Mine ANA was barely positive ....
I made this test for HLA mutation:...
I made Elispot test for Lyme, babesia and Bart. I should have some reaction while I was on treatment but there wasn't any reaction. No herx, no improvements, nothing. Only viruses are reactivated ....
I was on LDN for 6 months, didn't help. I will try Wim Hof breathing, there is nothing to lose, but problem is that I can't concentrate on anything because of pain....
I know, it's immune related. There is no way I will get IVIG in Europe. And neither pain drug even touched the pain, this is insane. Has anyone tried steroids for SFN ?...
Yes, I did treat babesia, with malarone, plaquenil, Sida acuta...no improvements. No herx, no anything. I did long term abx treatment for Lyme and Bart, Buhners herbs for Bart, hyperthermia for...
Mine SFN is just getting worse. How did you get rid of it ? Long term Abx made it only worse and now I have muscle twitches and cramps in feet...
Thank you Girlie. I was also diagnosed with babesia, reactivated EBV, CMV and Coxsackie virus. I will try it now with IV glutathione. I am on abx for 6 months with no improvement. I have changed...
Saiyaex I have the same problem, but I have also burnings in bottom of my feet, It is unbearable and it lasts 24h. My LLMD says thatbis because of bartonella. How are you now?...