I had a MRI last year that showed a few lesions in my brain. Now that I've seen a neurologist he wants another one with the contrast agent gadolinium. I'm terrified because I'm extra sensitive to...
Has anyone tried it and what were the results?...
Olive leaf and lauricidin, that's all I can afford for now, hope it does something,...
Thank you...
I have band 18+ 31 Ind. isotope 31 negative 41++ 66+ So confused!?!?!...
I have read so much different information, can anyone explain? Thanks...
I always so scared to take herbs, I don't know why ?! Is there any potentilla dangers in taking Cats Claw? I read you can have vomiting and diarrea? Anyone have a bad experience?...
I started amoxicillin, along with herbals. I feel extreme fatigue and jittery, anxiety is much worse. Is this part of herxing? Or am I having a bad reaction to antibiotics? Amoxicillin is the only...
Thanks, very interesting...
What is the amount of Epsom salt and peroxide?....
Why is doxy so much better then amoxicillin? I am starting with amoxicillin but wondering if I'm wasting my time?...
Mine were anxiety, muscle pain, migraines...
So I had the 31 confirmation test done for BB, and it is negative, but my IFA Is positive, what do I make of this?...
Is monaulaurin and lauricidin the same thing?...
Not very much! 4 drop of oil of oregano, 2 olive leaf, and only 4 pellets of lauricidin, so 120 mg....
I am not on antibiotics yet, still trying to find some....
I take olive leaf, oil of oregano, lauricidin, b12, vit d3,...
I just started lauricidin, I think it's the same thing. Something is making me herx big time, start slow, what is the dosage?...
How much do I start with ,not to feel horrible!...
Is crying and depression part of herxing?...
I want to start with amoxicillin because I am sooooo sensitive to medications. Is this ok or should I get something stronger?...
Thanks, I just want to start with something, is olive leaf the most gentil?...
So my igenix results look positive but I can't see a dr for another 3 weeks! Even then he can't prescibe antibiotics because he is a ND. I talked to a neurologist and he says that igenex is always...
What els can cause high IFA.? Can gum disease cause this?...
Would thus be a good start for treatment?...
Theis is for my friend IFA. positive. > 80 IGM. Band 31 IND 41. IND 83-93. + IGG. band. 41. IND 83 -93. IND Both Igenex and CDC are negative What causes a positive IFA????...
So I got tested for Lyme disease because I have chronic fatigue and fibro. I talked to the dr at igenex and she suggested more testing?!!? My confirmation test for band 31 was negative but since my...