i second the advice regarding tests. clinical diagnosis is the way to go. the tests just are not reliable or 100% and definitely a needless cost in your case....
way more success stories than years ago when i was on. that is SO inspiring!! we are making headway maybe not to an easy cure but at least people can get better i will take better anyday!!...
olive leaf extract absolutely kills yeast i don't use a probiotic to put the good bacteria back in but i am not currently doing any abx...
thank you for the smile! what a mess! i forgot about my mom's ice cream birthday cake on her birthday. it still tasted good :)...
i would recommend colloidal silver. won't hurt and will at least be fighting while you wait...
looking for an update from anyone using essential oils. what works? how do you use it? how long have you been using it? i am using lavender and it is definitely helping with skin symptoms. and i...