Looking for LLMD in South Florida. Willing to travel a few hours for a great doctor. Thanks, Jo [email protected]...
Hi Delmar, Did you forget to send the names of Lyme doctors to me? I desperately need them. Thanks, jo...
Thanks so much, Delmar....
Hi, Can anyone recommend a great chronic Lyme disease doctor in Florida(please, not Dr. S in Naples) or elsewhere on the East Coast? I recently went for treatment in Mexico and became much worse. I...
I have had Lyme/co-infections for probably decades. I probably am toxic. Could toxicity cause vitamins and medications to work abnormally? Thanks, Lymebabe....
Thanks Lymebabe and Deejavu. I will read those books, thank you. I wonder if Dr. Jernigan's protocol would work for me. Everything I try works crazy, just worsening my symptoms. I wish I could find...
Thanks Stacestar and Lymebabe. I really don't have time to do a fundraiser. I am too sick to wait. Also, I live in South America and only go back to the U.S. once a year.' I think I should have had...
Thank you very much, ToddPaul and Stacestar. I am really confused about where to go. I can not go to Sponaugle in Florida, because it costs $40,000.00+. I have a serious issue because medications,...
Stacestar, They won't allow me to join the IowaLyme group. I tried my best. They refuse to let me read the message regarding the person who went to Bio Care Hospital, Mexico. Is it possible for you...
Thanks Stacestar, only people from Iowa can join the Iowa Lyme group on Facebook....
Pastor Lindsey Williams recommends the clinic/hospital. Thanks for all the replies. Jo...
I am looking to find out if treatment for Lyme disease/co-infections is successful at The International Bio Care Hospital, Tijuana, Mexico. Does anyone have experience with this clinic or any others...
I want to thank everyone for responding. Please send me the name of the Naturopath in Connecticut. I hope it is okay to list my email address here: [email protected] Jo...
I am living in South America but am coming home to New England within a few weeks. I am too sick to stay here. Doctors in this area of the world have no experience with Lyme, auto-immune, etc. I...