1200 mg of magnesium maleate taken right before bed, levaquin 1st thing in the morning....
I'm targeting Bart, and have done high doses of rifampin for months, along with bactrim, and some others...nothing's hitting it. My Dr said levaquin doesn't cause the rupture, the Bartonella does...
Does anyone have any info? I want to know if I should take high doses of magnesium before I begin levaquin, and during, but not sure what a high dose is. Any one have success using levaquin? Is it...
I take the Cowden protocol with abx, and my natural dr said they only have to be taken 15-30 mins away from abx...she says she has patients that take em right with them, and the herbs still seem to...
I had one done, and it came back fine...gave me peace of mind though. I think MRI'S are one of the safest tests because it uses mostly magnets. I'm sure the dye isn't good, but not all MRI'S have to...
Or any other info about it? Did it help? Having a really hard time getting rid of Bartonella....
So my Dr is switching me to Levaquin...I've been on Rifampin for a long time, and plateaued, so I have to make the switch. I'm scared about tendon rupture, and I remember seeing on here a while back...
Hi guys, I'm on Rifampin 1200 mg a day, and am starting the Cowden protocol. There's quite a bit of herbs to take, and they're all in alcohol. I know Rifampin can't be taken with alcohol, but what...
Autism article http://www.ilads.org/lyme_research/lyme_articles1.html...
Yeah, I was on mino, and ceftin with it in the beginning, and now am on Bactrim....
I forgot to add mine are on fish oil as well, and my Dr prescribed the oral swish and swallow Nystatin daily throughout treatment. There's so many things this family is on...I forget half of them...
Or that I should ask my Dr to up me to 600 2x a day?...
So does that mean I shouldn't take it all together?...
I have both of my kids on probiotic, milk thistle to cleanse the liver, and a whole food multi vitamin. I also have an anti fungal tonic that has herbs that deal with bacteria, virus', and yeast that...
I've seen a lot of suggestions on here and other places to take the full dosage of Rifampin together instead of separately 2x a day. I guess it creates a higher spike in the blood level, and has an...
I usually do my detox baths twice a week...the last few days I've taken one every day, and today I've noticed a lot less tremors, feel clearer, and my heartbeat seems a little more normal... I also...
Thanks for the responses guys...Traveler, should I talk to my regular Dr, or my natural Dr...I'm assuming there's herbs that can do it softer than meds...I'm trying to keep the pharmaceuticals down...
I'm freaking out...I noticed my toe nails looked blue/purplish, so of course I had to google it, and now I'm scared it's my heart. I've had palpitations for years, and since upping my medication a...
Thank you for the responses guys! Opugirl I'm on --Magnesium/calcium w/zinc 50...I thought this would help with the other minerals too, but maybe I should take it alone? --B-complex --fish oil...
I've been treating for 6 months, Minocycline for 2 months, mino, ceftin, and rifampin 150 mg twice a day for two months, then upped Rifampin to 300 mg for another month, and currently on Rifampin and...
I got mono when I was nine, and they didn't know where I got it either....but for me everything started after that, ..I wonder if tics can spread that too, because that's when I think I was infected....
I've had Rt. leg weakness for about a year and a half, and I feel like the muscles are trying to wake back up, but they're so much slower than my other leg. I feel like my top...ahhh what's that...
I'm probably going to hit you up for a few more links. I'm trying to edit it down a bit, so that might take me a while, but I'll probably be getting ahold of you in the next week or so...thank you!...
Trust your gut. I noticed very mild things in my kids that everyone called me crazy for too, but I was right. Mother's intuition is stronger than anything else when it comes to our kids, I think....
Thanks so much guys, and THANK YOU Traveler...that is perfect!!...
Thank you for reading it! It looked sooo much longer when it was pasted in this format!...
I haven't told most of my extended family what's been going on with me, and I wrote a piece with my story, and some education, and was thinking of sharing it. My computer crashed a few weeks ago, and...
Yeah I am, and just doubled my dosage of Rifampin....
Have you had any adjustments on your ribs? My husband was having sternum pain, and the Chiro said one of his ribs were out of alignment...made quite a pop when he put it back in....
I've been noticing some slight pain on my right side, I think it's my intestine area, so I felt around, and there's an extremely tender spot, feels like a little lump...lymph node size, kind of...but...
Stranger things have happened ladies, it could still be possible to have children. Look at the Duggers(19 kids and counting)she was getting pregnant into her 40's, and celebrities do it, so there's a...
Don't mean to put this out there, and you've probably already checked, but if it's not bladder, or UTI, it could be a more intimately spread infection......
Thanks Joyful! I'm glad to hear it's possible to go away!...
Great to hear! What an accomplishment! I've been reading many stories lately about the children of Lyme parents, and how it has shaped their career choices. Just more proof that good can come out of...
There's some stains on them, but my main concern is they look almost translucent...grey from the inside, and I noticed a couple little black spots on my gums. Everything I've read said it's...
I've noticed my teeth becoming dull/grey, and just found out that mino can cause this, and it could be permanent!? Anyone have any experience with this? Apparently only 3-6% of adults get this side...
Lymebabe, I want to add in silver...what dosage do you take, and is it a specific brand. I would be taking it with abx, which I believe is ok...someone please tell he if it's not...:)...
Teragram, yeah that's it, and I thought that was the one that was doing it, but I could be mistaken...it was a while ago, and there were many things going on in the end....
In a cocoon I didn't have to use it because it never came back, but from my reading, i was going to put a couple drops in the eye. I think that silver works for a lot. I had a bone like bump poking...
My grandma had a disease that started with a S...I can say it, but can't spell it... that shut down her organs(I'm now convinced Lyme caused all of her diseases). One of her biggest problems was she...
Have you been doing milk thistle? It's very gentle and has great liver cleansing capabilities. How did you find out you had fungal infections in your spine? Is there a specific test for that?...
Is this a new bite, do you still have the rash? If so, take a picture of it. The testing at the Dr.'s is pretty faulty, but the western blot is better than the Elisa. Testing too early will give a...
Daymillz, you sound like a great guy...and I hope your ex sees that sooner than later. Thanks for the concern for all of us, too. It's great to see someone not infected taking on the challenge of...
I'd like the answer to this to...following...
In a lot of cases where Lyme doesn't get better on long term abx, it's because of co-infections. There are many, and they require different combos(taken at the same time)of abx. If you have Babesia,...
Bartonella is a co-infection from tics, but you can also catch it from a cat scratch/bite(Cat Scratch Fever), fleas, ... . Have you had any treatment for Lyme at all?...
Have you ever had bartonella testing done? I think that's the co-infection that messes with my GI tract. A few weeks ago I had unbelievable abdominal pain/pressure...thought my intestines were...
Welcome Joyful! I'm sorry you're going through this stuff, but glad you found us...If you haven't already, check out the new to Lyme thread(very top post). It has an in depth symptom list, what the...