Testing isn't easy to come by, for both cost and location. I had some mold in my bedroom so moved to another room. Cholestyramine isn't easy to find but I've been taking beta sitosterol for a week...
Candida in the esophagus has been a definite possibility and one I keep coming back to. But what to do about it? When a strict diet only makes me weak and antifungals feel like they're killing me. On...
Oh yes, not neglecting the probiotics. Seems too severe to be die off. I'd normally get a runny nose, fatigue etc with die off, never anything major....
Wondering if anyone can help me figure this out. I've been having terrible trouble with my breathing for 18 months now. Before I got diagnosed with lyme my suspected problem was candida and I started...
Believe me, I've tried a lot of things that enhance mood, that relax. Nothing is scaring this feeling away. I'm hoping for an antibiotic with a similar mechanism to doxy that I can switch to....
I'm 4 weeks into taking Doxy at 200mg daily. And throughout that time I've been having suicidal thoughts almost constantly. This appears to be common enough but it's far more than I can cope with,...
I've researched the topic of mold throughout and I can't find any sort of supplement or remedy to treat it. Also, I've moved homes in the middle of this illness without any change in symptoms. I was...
I have frantically guzzled down some benadryl when it's occurred but it doesn't feel like an allergic reaction as such. I've checked out the lyme sufferers in Ireland and they're pretty much of the...
And a special thanks to everyone who's chipped in so far. My hope is to remain on these sort of pages after recovery and help others when I'm more clued up....
Don't want to go down a wrong road with the mold. I was treated for mercury toxicity for a long time to zero improvement. I never had asthma or problems around mold before, no breathing problems of...
No shortage of detoxing on my part - lemon water, milk thistle, epsom salts, Alka Seltzer Gold, Burbur. I was up to the full 30 drops twice daily when everything hit me hard. I carried on at them...
The cluelessness of hospital staff is astounding. They simply can't appreciate the fact that patients may understand more on a subject than they do. I've had a lot of doctors laugh at my...
No, none of those. Don't have any real pain such as the classic soles of feet pain that often crops up on symptoms lists. This is a strange one. Because before I got the lyme diagnosis I saw an ND...
It's worth mentioning that I had these similar episodes a year ago every time I took either nystatin or fluconazole but I stopped all antifungals since....
I considered that but I have no other allergy-type symptoms and have eaten pretty much the same meals for a long time due to a sensitive throat. Doesn't stop me from frantically taking some benadryl...
Hi, haven't been able to sweat since this illness took hold. Haven't been tested for Mycoplasma. Will look into it....
Hi all, been lurking around here for some time. Been very ill for 18 months. Suspected of having lyme for some time. Finally diagnosed a week ago as having lyme and chlamydia pneumoniae. Recently...