Can I go to Igenex and get my own test done? I live in central California....
Lyme Ab/ Western Blot Result. Is < .91 Lyme Quant. Igm. Result is .91. HIGH IgG 41 ab. Present Abnormal. Lyme IgG WBC. Interpretation is Negative Lyme Ab IgM by WB: IgM. P41 ab. Absent P39 ab. Absent...
Thank you all for the suggestions and advice! I truly appreciate it as most doctors look at me like I'm crazy. I have photos of my "rash" or lesions if I can upload them, but I don't know how. It's...
I was moving into our new home and I was cleaning, unpacking and suddenly my hands felt like they were on fire! I thought I had burned myself with a cleaning agent or something. I also was cleaning...