Excellent suggestions everybody. I will get a brush and do the dry brushing and I think I have the brain-nerve cleanse. I appreciate your support at such times. Its nice to have people who know what...
julymorning Thanks for your response. I am probably not detoxing enough. I am taking CSM 2 x a day and also a teaspoon of milk thistle tincture (mediherbs) mixed in water. Take epsom salt baths 3 x a...
Thank you. Yes, I have been wondering if its herxing. I have had so many different kinds of herxes, that I can't always differentiate between a herx and a side effect. Needless to say, neuotoxins...
I am wondering if tinidzole is causing my suddenly severe anxiety/depression. I have been on Bactrim for the past 7 weeks and on Tinidazole for the past 3 weeks. In the past few days I just feel so...
Hello everyone, I am about to begin a regimen of biltricide at a dose that seems rather daunting: 600mg a day for 10 days, a two week break, and then another 10 day course. I am wondering if anyone...
Thank you everyone for you kind responses. Yes, brain detoxing! What a concept. I have been doing a lot of detoxing: epsom salt baths, drinking lemon water, curcumin, chinese herbs, and yet some days...
Hi All, After 25 years of not knowing what was wrong with me and struggling with fatigue, body aches, night terrors, and depression, I finally ordered a lyme test from Igenix and indeed both the IGG...