I am just grateful she has spread so much awareness. Many Lyme celebs don't say anything or much at all. She has used so much of her fame and power to help I might be scared to be as outspoken as...
I agree, that monocycline does help. It penetrates the deepest of most antibiotics. I also had strong side effects with it. I'd watch out for them since it is a strong working drug and it also kills...
That sounds wonderful. I do enjoy an open minded investigation and mixture of science and spirituality....
Belly. I also took oral and IV antibiotics, the crucial aspect, which coincides with this video! I feel like I have to get this information out now! I love it due to the fact that I know it so deep...
I went from the worst pain possible. I thought I was dying. I'm almost healed completely. Please watch this! It's old, however, the message is what's important. It will help. Take your herbs and...
Thank you so much for your response, but I thought Lyme was a spirochete, what about the co-infections?...
Thank you teragram for affirming what I've found to be true as well!...
Can you starve Lyme just by not eating any carbohydrates for a long period of time? Thank you very much!...
Then lower your dose of herbs a tad sometimes they can be very strong!!! They will still do the job! Obviously I'm not your doctor. But you shouldn't feel so badly you can't function. Although the,...
This was very very true for me. For the time being, try and not eat meals that are high in fat, as they can be hard to digest and tough on the digestive tract. Also, do not eat white sugar or white...
I always say check for Candida. These antibiotics can cause yeast overgrowth in many no matter what. Which is one reason why many people use herbs to heal, and herbs work just as well. Regardless, I...
I suggest you get a test for Candida and Sibo. Specifically Candida. Have you been on many anti bionics. What's your anti yeast protocol been? Candida is a reason people remain in pain I believe....
Boswellia - a wonderful herbal anti-inflammatory. Ashwaghanda - Brilliant herb that does oh so many positive things. Anti-inflammatory, improves mood, energy, lowers anxiety and even increases sex...
Thank you very much! Honestly I cannot thank you enough. I know I'm gushing lol but you can probably relate. Right now, this information is gold to me. I am suprised it is not more popular. It took...
Lol traveler, I'm ivery knowledgable about Lyme and Tick born illness, however, I'm used to speaking with regular people about it, not Lymies who get 'it'. :). More and more people get it now due to...
I have Celiac Disease. Is there an way of healing it? Since when is it genetic? Is this new information?...
I would recommend, first of all, trying something over the counter for allergies that doesn't make you tired, like Allegra or Claritin. Allergies or rabid this season, and can only worsen sinus...
I didn't mean to start this sort of war lol. We need to come together. However, conversation on subversive topics are Always good! Listen, I was having seizures and bed ridden for four years with...
Wow! That certainly did inform me. Thank you for taking the time to write such a legnthy and personal post which includes so much information! I need to start researching extensively on. this issue....
Does anyone have any personal stories or Candida or a high yeast count, what you went through and how they healed it. It could really help me to better understand how to handle it, because I have it,...
We've probably all been there. There's a lot of sick people walking around this country who don't know why, and I don't know why they're not looking for reasons! Maybe it's not painful enough...yet....
Btw 3 weeks isn't nearly enough to see results. She's got to wait at least six months honestly...but she may very well see results in a week from now. It's that sort of thing. It's very slow...
Knowing what I know, and what we know about Lyme, and how much better I feel then when I started treatment. You have no idea how many diagnoses I received. Fibromyalgia, depression, Chronic fatigue,...
Thank you for the response, I didn't really understand that website. It also seemed to be geared mostly to Bartonella and science. I am looking for a simple protocol list. However, I am always...
Yes, you absolutely can be positive for Lyme disease, and show up negative on the test. Therein lies the problem with how Lyme Disease is dealt with in the medical community in this country, and the...
Hi everyone, I'm wondering about Brucella. I showed up positive for it on a test by an LLMD (These highly acclaimed hospitals in Boston never tested me). Anyways, Buhner does recommend an herbal...
We know the ISDA and the CDC keep exaggerating how Lyme patients should not take long term antibiotics because of the negative effects (because they're getting loads of money from different sources,...
I would like to thank you all very much. I was certainly not expecting so much help! I've been in this game of healing for quite a while so I will try to go back on this site, and give other Lymies...
What a wonderful support system. No, my doctor has not gone over it with me. She sees me once every six weeks and screams at me face all the time. I'm a very nice person and I'm trying very hard....
My recent test stated that my C. albicans IGG is a 3.4. I believe this is high. Is it extremely high? What symptoms will this cause? Is it treatable?...
I have chronic Lyme's disease for quite some time three years now. My yeast levels were very high after my last course of antibiotics so I'm off of them so let my body heal naturally (I'm also on a...