Yes I have Lyme babesia and had bartonella as well as EBV, Mycopladma and C pnuemoniae I’ve worked with ayahuasca every 2 weeks at least for the last 15 months and I am A LOT better I had meningitis...
Omg love my Biomat!...
What do you mean it burns cortisol? I am feeling like I might gain weight on this. I like my body as is. It is the best (and worst) part of this hideous disease to look good still. Is that something...
Dave, If you want a good LLMD who is *much* less expensive than those up here, you might be interested in mine. She is in Asheville. You could see her once in person then she will treat you remotely....
Hi Dave, I'll date you! Haha, I have Lyme and just moved back to NY from Asheville NC. I was working managing an art gallery there while sick -- I feel ya!! I'm resting now... taking many meds....
Traveler, I don't mean this meanly... But healing can only be had with money. With support. I have a home. I have treatment. I am looking forward and feel healing can be had. But I recognize that not...
if that is the case w/ literalist hateful christianity, that's so upsetting! i just called them but after reading that... no. that is damaging to one's sense of self and immune system to espouse...
psilociraptor, if you don't mind me asking: what is your treatment?...
psilociraptor, i feel you. accessing and remembering those states of consciousness, unity and healing have helped me not identify as strongly with my (currently struggling) brain and body! i would...
I've been working with ayahuasca for 7 years. AMA Before lyme, beginning at 24. I had interstitial cystitis and it helped heal it. It helped many things. Fear mostly. But lyme bacteria is different...