My chiropractor recently suggested that I begin taking probiotics. I am concerned, since OLE has antibiotic properties. Is it ok to take probiotics and OLE at the same time? I don't want the OLE to...
Hi, I'm going to be tested for Lyme next month, and many people have suggested I take OLE. So I have been doing that for a while. Recently, my chiropractor suggested I start taking probiotics. I am...
Thanks, P!...
Thanks for the helpful info, BDL and DazedPete1....
I'm a 140 pound woman. Do you think that 500mg in morning and 500mg at dinner would be a good dose? I'm a little concerned--does OLE act as an antibiotic to kill the Lyme bacteria? In that case,...
Hi, I have many symptoms of Lyme, so I'm seeing a LLMD for a new patient appointment on July 2, and he'll most likely have me do a Western blot test. I have heard someone on this forum suggest taking...
Hi Pirouette, Thank you so much for the suggestion! Can you recommend any online sources for purchasing OLE? Also, do you have any suggestions on how to figure out how much to dose and how frequently...
I have a lot of the symptoms of Lyme, so I made an appointment with an LLMD. Since the appointment is in July, I would like to get my Western blot done prior to the appointment, instead of waiting...
Hi, I'm trying to find a LLMD who can help me determine whether or not I have Lyme. Dr M in Keego Harbor is one of the few Lyme doctors in Michigan who accepts my insurance. If you have had him for a...
Need4Speed, Thank you for the helpful suggestion! I have heard about Dr. Z in Romeo, though I am concerned because it sounds like a new patient appointment is about $410, and that doesn't even...
Hello, I'm from Warren, MI. I've had some health problems for the past few years, and I'm starting to become suspicious of whether they could have been caused from a tick that had been attached on my...